Hey, I'm Iason (pronounced Yah-sonne)

Email Copywriter

Don't tell anyone this...But I'm actually an illegal ATM engineer who helps business & mindset coaches who are struggling to monetize their email list,By turning it into a literal cash printing machine!Ok fine,That first part about me being an ATM engineer may or may not be true...But what is true, is the part about me making it rain sweet, sweet cash on biz & mindset coaches' email lists!Apart from that,I love creating and playing music, lifting heavy things, and learning new languages (I even learned Japanese while I was living there for 6 months - not too shabby eh?).While you're stopping by, check out some of my testimonials and samples,Here's a donut, and a glass of OJ you can sip on while you peruse (weird combo, I know).And if you're ready,I'm looking to take on one more client this month who wants to skyrocket their sales and engagement by leveraging the...

Inbox Ignition Blueprint™

Email me at iason@iasoncopy.com or DM me on IG (@justiason) and let's chat :)Or just...

And let's see how much money you're leaving on the table,So we can put together a customized game plan to turn your email list into a legal money printer!(Still not convinced? Check out my Copy CV below and see The Inbox Ignition Blueprint™ in full effect!)

If you're not hitting the email revenue numbers we both know you should be hitting...And you're spending way too much time & effort on your email marketing each week...(Instead of client delivery)It's not because you don't have fancy graphics, your funnel structure is bad, or even because you have crappy leads.Your copy just...SUCKS!Simply put...Bored readers don't buy.And if they see the same generic emails day in and day out that they see EVERYWHERE else...Then they'll just look for another coach who CAN cut through to their soul.And I get it, email marketing's not your thing...But it is mine!That's why I created the...

The Inbox Ignition Blueprint™

...which is stupidly effective at maximizing coaching companies' email revenue!It does this in 2 ways:


"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” - Abraham LincolnThe same applies to emails...Which is why I use the "Abe's Axe" Principle to sharpen my writing with the market research needed to cut through to your target audience on a deep level.Once that is done and dusted,I will chop down the tree...By writing compelling subject lines and engaging copy......that leverage Robert Cialdini's 6 principles of persuasion (reciprocity, scarcity, authority, commitment and consistency, and social proof) to trigger your reader to take action.


What most email copywriters don't know...Is that email copy is not even the most important part of the email money-making equation.Email DELIVERABILITY is just as (if not more) important as the copy itself...Because if your email ends up in promo, or god-forbid, SPAM...Then it doesn't matter how good your copy is if nobody sees it.(And your readers can't buy what they can't see)This is where I take off my copywriting hat, and put on my technical wizard hat,To make sure your list management, list hygiene, and best sending practices are all in tip-top condition...So your emails land in the primary tab up to 80% of the time,Maximizing eyes on your emails, and revenue in your business.Also...With Gmail cracking down on spammers & scammers even harder with their new policy changes come February 2024...Optimizing deliverability is something you simply can't afford to ignore.So, if you want to IGNITE your list's primary inbox tab with valuable, personality-driven emails...Making your readers want to empty their pockets while lining yours...(And ultimately save yourself time, effort, and mental bandwidth so you can focus on what you do best... being a rockstar coach!)Then...

And let's see how much money you're leaving on the table,So we can put together a customized game plan to take your email list to it's fullest money-making potential...(...WITHOUT you having to lift a finger...)Giving you your precious time back to fully focus on delivering for your clients.

Still not convinced?

How about ya scoot on over to the 'Client Wins' section, and see The Inbox Ignition Blueprint™ in action!


Want The Same Results For Your Coaching Business?

Grab yourself a warm cup of tea and let's chat about how much money you're leaving on the table with your current marketing strategy...So I can help you turn your email list into a money-printing machine!



Taijaun Reshard

Dan Bolton's Content Manager

Jack Dolan

Matthew Volkwyn (My copy coach)

Other copywriters

Want The Same Results For Your Coaching Business?

Grab yourself a warm cup of tea and let's chat about how much money you're leaving on the table with your current marketing strategy...So I can help you turn your email list into a money-printing machine!

Client wins

'5-Day Challenge' Event ($700k+ in total revenue!)

For this event I handled all the emails for a 5-day event promotion which did $700k+ in total revenue in 54 days.

$10 E-book Promo Sales

I wrote all the emails for a $10 e-book promotion:Sales generated by my 4 emails: $8,477% of sales attributed to email: 40%Sales generated by my best-performing email: $3,460Total gross revenue goal: $20,000Actual gross revenue: $21,310

Easter Promo 2024 Sales

I helped launch & strategize an Easter promotion that did $8,478 in 3 emails.

Black Friday 2023 Sales

Just 3 days after launch we did $24,446 ($16,685 recurring) in gross sales off a $47/mo frontend product.$9,045 (37%) of that comes from my emails leveraging
The Inbox Ignition Blueprint™.

If you include ALL the revenue it generated so far…The 2023 BF promo is currently at $42,467……my emails generated $16,070 (38%) of that.

Open Rates Before & After
The Inbox Ignition Blueprint™

Considering the industry standard for a 'great open rate' is between 17-28%......and I STILL managed to increase his Open Rates from 44% to 53%...vvv My client was very happy with these results :) vvv

Want The Same Results For Your Coaching Business?

Grab yourself a warm cup of tea and let's chat about how much money you're leaving on the table with your current marketing strategy...So I can help you turn your email list into a money-printing machine!

let's connect!